University of Surrey Christian Union

Simon- Male Co-President


Male President

I’m Simon, a second year Tonmeister student, and I’m the male president for CU this year. I’m a big fan of hiking and making silly songs, and I’d love to tell you all about obscure acoustic principles.


Female President

Heya, I’m Lydia, I’m a second year Psychology student, and I’m so excited to be Co-President of CU this year, playing a part in spreading Jesus’ love to students across Uni!

A little insight into me… I have 3 siblings and am a middle child (lol) and some of my fave things are singing, running, Vinted, and the sea!

My current fave Bible verse is 1 John 4:19 – “We love because He first loved us.”

See you in September!



My name is Dan, I study Aerospace Engineering, and am now in my second year. My role for CU is to be the Treasurer. I help process funds and payments for the CU.

I currently only have a cat, but my family has had 21 pets in total so far.

My favourite Bible verse is 1 Peter 2:21.

I have 3 younger sisters. I get asked if they annoy me, but they spend way too much time fighting each other to have time for that.

I hope to use a lot of my time at Uni spending time with people. I will always be out of my house seeing friends.


Outreach and Events Coordinator

Hi, my name is Lara and I am the Outreach and Events Coordinator for the Surrey Christian Union. I am in my second year and studying Adult Nursing.

I love watching F1 and support Ferrari. I love to bake and my specialty is chocolate brownies. My favourite Bible verse is 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.


Publicity Coordinator

Hello! I’m Natalia and I’m a second year Microbiology student :). I’m looking forward to serving God and the CU this year.

My favourite bible verse is John 1:14 – “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” This verse never fails to amaze me.

A few things about me:

  • I’m sort of a spiderman fanatic
  • I’m Polish
  • I complain about being from Birmingham way too much
  • I love animals and I will most likely ditch you to chase a cat.


Follow up and International Coordinator

Hi, I’m Andy and I study Electrical Engineering. My favourite Bible verse is 1 Thessalonians 5:15 – “See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to all people.”

I like movies and music, and my favourite songs are ‘I Want It That Way” by The Backstreet Boys, and ‘Stairway to Heaven’ by Led Zeppelin. Also, my favourite movie is ‘Hot Fuzz’.


Prayer Coordinator

Hey! My name is Daniel and I’m a second year Economics and Finance student, and I take the role of Prayer Coordinator! I have two very cheeky guinea pigs named Toffee and Oreo. My favourite Bible verse has to be Colossians 3:2 – “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”

I also love to bake! I’m decent at making pastries but I much prefer making cakes, although I haven’t in a while! A fun fact about me is I’ve travelled to 31 countries, without owing a suitcase!


Relay Worker

Hiya! I’m Corrie, I’ve just finished studying Adult Nursing and am excited to support the CU as relay worker this year. This looks like encouraging and helping the CU to share the Gospel on campus. If you’re new to the CU and ever wanna grab a coffee together, I’d love to.

You’ll probably find me taking a photo of something or attempting to draw it.

A verse I’m loving at the moment is Romans 15:13 – “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

See u in September!


UCCF Staff Worker

Hey everyone, I’m Maddie! I studied Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Surrey and I love sport, Caesar Salad and people! I have the privilege of being your UCCF Staff Worker this year!

My role involves supporting, empowering and equipping everyone in the Christian Union to share the good news of Jesus. If you are someone of faith or just curious, you are welcome at CU! I would love to get to know you and go out for a coffee or play a game of Badminton or Table Tennis!